rice went to mississippi valley state, idk if that is swac or not
yeah, rice was mid first. apparently irving fryar was the previous 1st overall wr.
meshawn was the 1st overall pick, first since jerry rice i think?
Good to hear. I love that guy! He's been working his ass of for years. Who the hell is karl dunbar?
That analolgy does not work. Brady does not compare to Spurrier. Yes, both coaches are aholes, but one of them earned his peers...
I agree with you on pro sports, but for everyone else they are very important. It's a great oppurtunity for college and high school athletes.
Anybody know miami's incarceration %? Somewhere around 29% sounds about right.
haha, you can't acquire that kind of talent, you have to be born with it
ditto DallasLSU...
damn, looks like we go over a month w/o playing any football(10/9 - 11/13)
gamestop has the release data as 7/1/04... take that for what it's worth
How pathetic... I guess they got their new soldier...
Bio Notes: Has been named USA Today All-American since the 3rd grade. Poor uga, they only had the sec spotlight for such a short time.
haha, they wish...
That interception was pretty freaking incredible.
The article was posted by orangeblood.com...
are these even real people?
How do you figure that?