Never seen that before. HAHAHA
That hc has a set of brass ones. I love the call.
Bengals went twice in the 80's(lost both).
I'm not saying that I'm not frustrated with them. The front office is very questionable. Honestly I'm really hoping this is Haslett's last year....
Brett Favre had 21 ints and lost 2 fumbles. That is 23 turnovers compared to Brooks' 19. Daunte Culpepper had 11 pics and lost 6 fumbles....
After a search this is what i found: "New Orleans was first at $95.1 million,...
<newsflash> The saints had the highest payroll in the NFL last year. </newsflash> What more do you want Benson to do? Get out on the field and...
The problem with sticking with Russel is that he seemed to be a little rattled at one point. It's nice to have Marcus available to take some...
He's a freshman playing his 3rd game ever. Get over it, and try supporting our players.
That's the rule?? Wow, we should teach our lineman to just get under anyone that leaps for the kick, and get a free personal foul. Who is this...
I just hope Doucet doesn't take this too hard.
Me either... I was looking for him jumping on somoenes back or something, but I didn't see anything. Nice gift from sec officials.
When I was at the seccg last season someone was yelling "down in front." I just laughed. It was probably some po'ed uga fan anyway.
We only lead miami by 3 points though. Not that it really matters because it's so early.
I just tried to order online, but there is no order now button. For the other games there is opiton to order now, but for LSU's game it just...
USB 2.0 provides 60MB/s. That is more than enough for any video file out now.
Only reason uga got that last field goal was because of a bad call on a fumble. The ref signals first down uga, while the georgia southern...
Damn, how many teams has Todd been on? I can think of twins, yankees, red sox, cubs, and rockies. Is that right?
Maybe he's not sucking up to the california voters as much as he is the ap. Granted the people who voted were sports writers, but i'm sure it...
Why stay? He already won a "national championship" in college. Time to get his escalade.