Not exactly simply: How a certain AZ jurisdiction interprets forbiding profiling. From the class action lawsuit I linked above:
I didn't respond earlier because I didn't have time, and when I did, I got caught up in the immigration thing. But I promised to respond to your...
The only point I'll make with regards to training on racial profiling is that I never asserted there was no training. What you could say is that I...
Undo fear? Well that's mighty white of you. As I said before, I'm humbled by your incredible courage and astonishing self-sacrifice for...
We agree on something! It's a start. Whether or not an individual police officer suffers serious conseqences is dependent on many things. Some...
Good anecdote, but he would lose that bet if it was done confidentially. And it's not because an officer would be excessively anti-drug.
Snarky: 1 chiefly Britain : CROTCHETY : SNAPPISH 2 : marked by a sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent manner Snarkiness is artistic...
Illegals don't take jobs from citizens. They accept jobs from employers who take jobs from citizens and offer them to illegals. This is a really...
There is a difference between providing an id to cash a check, use a credit card, or to buy alcohol or tobacco and providing id to governmental...
I agree non-citizens are required to carry documents. Citizens are not required to carry documents at all times. My objection here is about...
Sorry I took so long to respond. While I may be a pompous azz to those who deserve it, I respect any reader of my postings enough to try to...
Good Lord are you obtuse! How can you tell if someone is an illegal and not a US citizen in the United States by looking at him? What is the...
I repeat the question. Do you carry your passport everywhere you go while you are in the US? Another question. Do you think you should be...
US citizens in AZ aren't in another country, or are they?
To verify legality you need a passport/birth certificate. Driver's license won't cut it. Do you carry your passport with you wherever you go?
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Crip is referring to the acoustic backup: [IMG] Leaking Oil Well Lacked Safeguard Device -
Mexico is a very plutocratic country and we're their revolutionary relief valve. They do not want to stop the migration. They may have to play...
Yes and no. Unless illegals are fully employed, your efforts may not have any effect on the number of hours worked by illegals. You're also...
The don't give a damn statement is hyperbole, but I do think that many are more interested in punishing the illegals than implementing effective...
The reason I keep pushing it is that I don't feel that the supporters of the AZ laws really make the connection that attacking demand is also...