That's pretty much what I meant. :)
We're going to J Gilligans for the DFW Alumni tailgate on Saturday before the game. Does anyone know anything about that place? Based on the...
49 pairs of shoes?? He has even more shoes than I have!! Didn't think that was possible for a man... :rofl: LSU keeps him pretty well-stocked, I...
That's true. You could suspend pending the outcome of the investigation, but those who are implicated and not necessarily guilty would still have...
I say run eveyrone who broke curfew (since supposedly it was enforced that night with a wink), which Miles seems to be doing. And suspend anyone...
It may not be 44, but if you take a look at the pictures on WAFB's website, and all of those paper bags are evidence that they took from the...
44 bags of evidence!? They must not have been looking for anything specific... This is looking more and more like a witch hunt. Collect as...
Would it have made a difference if she were Miss Louisiana? If the rumor that she was being assaulted is true, then kudos to our guys for...
The second the media started reporting that one of the people involved was a Marine, I knew the "victims'" attorney was going for a trial in the...
Reading the live chat at WAFB's site and it doesn't look like there will be any cameras there when Miles speaks to reporters. ETA: No audio...
Honestly? I don't, either. And I would just hate to think that he could be *that* dumb... I don't know if you'll ever really get down to the...
If this is true, it's gonna be bad, folks. "Several people who claim to have witnessed the incident tell 9NEWS that a young man driving a truck...
A lot of the places in Tigerland let you in at 18 (19 to get into Fred's) so he's not too young to be in the bar.
When I asked why everyone had an issue with this, the "this" I was referring to was his being in a bar, not the actual fight itself. I have a HUGE...
Fighting could. Not being in a bar. That's an important distinction. Football players were regulars at Fred's on Saturday nights after football...
I'm assuming to go out and have a good time with friends. Why do people have such an issue with this? The game is two weeks away! It's not...
That was a dig at Oregon guy in that instead of all of us making excuses for JJ, we're expecting Miles to take him to task if he did something wrong.
Funny how no one's rushing to defend him... If there was any wrongdoing on Jefferson's part, I expect Miles will do the right thing.
Thanks. Was just wondering why it was relevant to bring up that Oregon has drug testing (which, of course they do) if Thomas wasn't tested. If...
A good friend of mine smoked pot just about every day in college and graduated Summa Cum Laude in Engineering, sooooooo... Could be. Not all pot...