By definition, I suppose it is. And if we were a lesser team, I might be worried. But I don't see these Tigers getting caught in that trap.
Every village needs its idiot, I suppose.
Guess I'll be drinking out of my coconut shell well before sunrise...not that drinking before sunrise is all that unusual during football season....
Coaches Poll factors into the BCS Ranking System as does strength of schedule. Which is why the computers will love LSU when it comes down to...
Miles doesn't care about winning popularity contests, only games. We continue taking care of business and the polls will take care of themselves.
I call that a "skullet".
Cream cheese kolaches are my *favorite* sweet kolaches.
Or in the Coates Hall parking lot across the street from the Union. May be frying up some turkeys for that game.
LSU: Nike Pro Combat System of Dress - YouTube
If they would have done that and put a big swirly Toonces on our helmet... No. Just, no. I don't mind these at all. Do the...
No, the *massive* expansion under the Obama Administration of what a disability is under the law is why businesses hate them. Practically anyone...
Speaking up as an HR rep, but unless this company employes fewer than 15 people, they are subject to the ADA under which alcoholism is considered...
A guy I sat next to at the bar at Chimes today said that people were asking him if he was still going to go after last week's mess. :dis: All...
For all you conspiracy theorists out there... :hihi: Beastie Boys - Sabotage - YouTube
Because he wants to be re-elected one day and doesn't want to touch this one with a 10-foot pole?
L.L. Cool J-mama said knock you out - YouTube
Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night (Low Quality) - YouTube
Isn't that what I said? That it was his dad who said it? I'm just saying that now I wish he hadn't. How is that speculating?
:rofl: Kinda makes you wish now that daddy Jefferson hadn't talked to the press. Not that it'd make any difference in the outcome, but at least... I can see it.