St. Arnold's Christmas Ale has been spotted on shelves!!!
We usually have: Fried Turkey Baked Turkey/Chicken Ham Roast with rice and gravy Rice dressing Baked mac 'n cheese Green Bean casserole Some...
If I'm not mistaken, I think where we left off with the JJ saga was that the grand jury decided what they could charge him with based on the...
I dunno, my gut tells me there's more to this story and that he's innocent of rape. I have a friend who dated him on and off for a while and he...
5 are boys. They also took in foster children. Mrs. Sandusky mentioned fostering kids to Sports Illustrated in 1982. That's the only thing I...
If you can find an NCAA rule that was violated, then I'll agree with you. This is a criminal case, it does not involve collegiate athletics but...
He adopted 6 kids. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
This. For all the crying people do when the NCAA tries to stick its nose where they think it doesn't belong, I say it definitely doesn't belong...
I wouldn't doubt it. I read somewhere that the number of potential victims in this case was nearing 20. Wish I could find the article I read...
Waitaminute, *I'm* the super-hot blonde at the tailgate!!! Haha! Well, if you are ever able stop by again, re-introduce yourself. That'll be...
The only thing they don't know if whether he'll be on the sideline or not. Inexcusable.
Hey, I'll admit it. If I meet you at a tailgate, I need to meet you at least 2 more times before I remember your name. I'm pretty good with...
And after everything was sufficiently swept under the rug, the GA gets a permanent position. Something else that is rotten in the State of Penn....
I was listening to ESPN Radio this morning on my way in to work, and a guy on there said, "You know, nobody's perfect. How many of you have ever...
LSUTiger327 is probably the reason I ever joined the Forum in the first place. And since then, I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the...
Damn strong day, indeed. :milesmic: :usaflagwa
That's what I was thinking. Although those suits may not bankrupt the university, Penn State will hurt for a while. And rightfully so. Hope...
Kudos to the Board of Trustees for having the stones to do what was right and not let Joe Pa go out on his own terms. Everyone connected to this...
It's scheduled for Bama next year. Hope you can make it!!
Have you even gone by and said hi to Okie, yet? Can't switch krewes if you refuse to show your face! We also had something called Skull...