If last time was easy, I can only imagine what this bloodbath is going to look like!! :hihi: I disagree that Bama has nothing to lose. They...
Okie and I are going!! It'll be my first one!
Ole Miss' road schedule is BRUTAL. And it makes me smile. :grin: We know we have at least one against Alabama.
The New Member and Help section would be a good place to start! Just explore the site. I don't believe there are any super-anal rules (at least...
Yeah, I wouldn't exactly be crowing about that one if I were a Bama fan... Try again.
The guy who wrote the article I posted couldn't decide if the guy was really a lawyer or a well-planted staff member of The Onion. :hihi:
If this isn't already a circus, it will soon be one.
I'm like Okie, too many things to choose from. I can pop Sour Patch Kids like nobody's business, though.
These ladies had a pretty good group going (Crock Pot Girls) on Facebook before the Crock Pot corporation shut them down. You can find them on...
Seriously, where is Sandusky finding these lawyers who are just as delusional as he is??? Sandusky attorney launches ‘proper shower technique’...
We finely chop a yellow onion and a few cloves of garlic (depends on the size of your roast) and let them sit in worchestershire sauce for about...
He's got himself set up nicely for next year. If he plays his game and keeps his nose clean, I believe it'll be his.
Way to go, TM7! And what makes it so much sweeter is you know the Bama fans are enraged. They're still calling him a thuggy thug on their...
I read the thread title and all I could think of was this... Are you threatening me? (Beavis) - YouTube Sorry, carry on.
I don't know, I don't think the trophy should automatically go to the candidate of the highest-ranking team. The rank/record of a team is not...
I love that our guys and coaches are being showered with well-deserved accolades! Keep 'em coming!
He'd have to have some massive lifts to look most men in the eye. Or a step stool. But yeah, I think that post was loaded with sarcasm. At...
They all say that... :rolleye33: You will be dismissed, just like all the others.
But Tigers like to play with their food. Especially when it so willingly wanders into their den.
Can't believe he's actually lowering himself to beg for a spot in the NCG. Good thing he doesn't have to lower himself *too* far to get on his...