The catch he made in the Peach Bowl was one of the greatest body control receptions EVER. I remember the ref pointing at the spot in the end zone...
How can this guy recruit like a mofo but not recruit kickers? It shoulda cost him in 2011 too but we got fucked on that deal.
So the Heisman candidate runs off the field as soon as it's over so he can cry his little tears like the little girl that he is in the privacy of...
The most improbable end to a game I have ever seen. I'm so damn happy I'm gonna have a beer or twelve tonight!
I LOVE Verne gettin' that second back for Bama!!!!! Man this is some GREAT SHIT!!!!!
Couldn't happen to a nicer group of assholes.
You mean how sanctions have kept you out of any championships for a while? The perfect comment would have referenced the Kiffin hire. The next...
They were acting like they would have preferred the Rose OVER the NC game. Last time I checked the crystal ball trumps everything else. Except, of...
Heh. As if the Rose was/is the be-all end-all game. I remember chuckling several years ago when the Stanfools up here were debating which game...
Stanford, Cal, San Jose State. Never heard anything like what we have going on with this. You seem to really want this at your sporting events as...
Singing obscene lyrics to traditional songs at football games at other universities.
Why isn't this more prevalent elsewhere then?
ESPN2 @ 8PM? You musta loved those 8-4 seasons.
Y'know, you're right. But why stop at just profanity?
Let's graffiti up Tiger Stadium while we're at it. TEAR IT DOWN
Who needs tradition when you can act like an ass? Next will be a profanity laden Alma Mater so we can send out a strong F.U. to all those who...
The penalty against Brooks should have been correctly called as roughing the passer, NOT a hit to the head. Every dipshit sports dude out here is...
Moved out here to the Bay in '79, when SF was absolute shit. Was at the game in 1980 when Montana came in and whipped us in the biggest comeback...