I agree 100%, and in my time here since 2002 I have never seen someone on any message board who is so passionate about LSU hoops. My family had...
Thanks CS. I flunked Creative Writing 101 at Ole War Skule.
Who is this? Strange initials if ya ask me.
Remember watching good ol' RHS on ESPN with those two future studs puttin' a whuppin' on Hilliard and Patterson. With a lot of pride I did, and...
We need Collins more now than J Hill anyway. C'mon RHS man, STAY!
To that point how are other successful coaches keeping their guys?
Guilty as charged.
If you say so.
Doug Flutie redux. Yawn.
My lasting memory of dude will always be with the neck brace on, all jacked up, responding sheepishly to the media. Oh, and screaming at Miles...
Well said. I like to see our guys do well in the League, but first and foremost I am an LSU fan. BR is my hometown and where my alma mater is....
Really would LOVE to see two of my favorite fellow Redemptorist alums STAY.
I don't know what's more odious, the Tomahawk Chop and the accompanying obnoxious chant, or the fact that Deion Sanders is so very proud to admit...
I had a Internet relationship with Kevin Mawae in the early '90's on an AOL LSU board. I was impressed with how down to earth he is, and following...
What would be fascinating is a comparison chart with a rating before and after they left school. You could then easily determine which programs...
Huh. It was supposed to be tUAT vs. tOSU in the BCS NCG until the greatest of the great lost the SECCG and the B10CG, and then both rolled over in...
Coulda grabbed some cooze too.
That and the fact that he's probably trying to take some of the pressure off the team by blaming other circumstances for the road L's.
Ain't gonna win much with that D though.
Somebody forgot to tell dude that JFF is NFL now.