That was hilarious.
A lot of great posts on this thread, thank all of you for such a great discussion.
Touching story.
I think he was already behind Krags & Bergeron on the depth chart, that's why he moved to WR. So even if both qb's were to get hurt he likely...
I agree, I think we should change that.
Of course we would all feel better if we had a boatload of 4 & 5 star recruits already. We're still sitting with the #10 composite ranking at this...
Yep, we should be helping most of these students with trade school education instead of paying their way through a 4 year university, especially...
I'm glad too, I believe he if going to be an excellent DB.
Hell, in the Major Leagues many players bring in their dads, former coaches, former players, etc to work with them. No coach has the answer for...
Or closing several other colleges to bring us more in line with other southern states. We simply have too many universities.
And we stole him from Mack!
Still can't believe that Saban hired Kiffin, even if it works out ok for one or two years. But then again I'm guessing Saban looked at Kiffin's...
Retirement was one of the main reasons Bryant died I bet.
I think Tiger Stadium might actually be number one now and hopefully keeps getting better with refinements to the lower bowl, restrooms, etc. I...
Hopefully Johnny doesn't come near to approaching Brady on that level. And hopefully he doesn't bring in near the amount of troubled kids that...
The funny thing is that you really shouldn't even look at Pistol's stats when judging his college career. He had the greatest impact of any player...
I know many Tiger fans will be elated about this however I am a bit worried. To me a hitting coach mostly just tinkers with batters natural swing...
I am too. But I actually owe my habit of buckling up to my sons, who always told me to buckle up when I made them buckle up! Before that I never...
I can understand your feelings but when a guy set a bunch of records that will likely last forever I disagree.