How will Gray deal with the crowd at the box and all the distraction? Pop another adderrall. No sweat.
Dumb. Feel free to say that you wouldnt accept a gay teammate and showering next to a gay teammate makes you uncomfortable. but to think that...
There is no 'crying it out' in the zombie apocalypse.
Dude cant backpedal fast enough. "I blame twitter". Thats funny. He could have included the source in his first tweet but didnt because he...
Rick is under a lot of pressure. I dont think Rick is weak. I think if Shane were around and in charge he would be a lot like the governor....
I think the group not being able to respond effectively to the governors attack is primarily a confidence issue. The group was weak with rick...
I like that Merle is back. His character will be good for a lot of friction. I hope that the governor's attack will cause Rick to wake the...
My prediction is I will run out of towels to wipe off the crimson splooge emitted every time tusk posts.
It is impossible to like this post as much as it deserves.
Stay classy, westboro.
And arky thinks this is a good hire?
If Mingo had done it he would have been flagged, possibly ejected and I would have thought 'why the hell did you do that !' If he wasnt flagged I...
See you at the rose bowl? Is this a joke or a shot at rosetta?
The director of this episode was on the Talking Dead and he said Carl did put a bullet in Lori's head and the bloated zombie did eat her.
He could always go back and finish his degree after making his millions like shaq did. College will always be there. Cant say the same for early...
Waiting for the obligatory gumptard explanation of how they unwon and beat themselves. Another loss that didn't really happen.
Can't tell if trolling or not?? It seems a lot of your posts open nicely enough toward LSU but always seem to eventually veer towards Alabama...
Good stuff, mctiger. Congrats to your son (and to you,too). I have some parental bragging on a different front if I may. My suave 8 year old...
I'd like to see McCarron knocked on his ass frequently, too. But I hope we don't focus on that too much as he is smart enough to burn us and I...
You are probably right. But this game is special. The troops on and off the field should not have a problem reporting for duty and being...