That is true.....UGA was never in sync so I dont think they BYE week will hurt them cause their offense cant get much worse.
I agree that UGA's D is better then Florida's but Florida's D looked real good yesterday.....Yes I know UF played KY but they still only gave up...
I think an off week hurts a team cause the Gators always had an off week before UGA but florida always played a real bad game against...
Yea I know its going to be a shootout. I just hope you all take it to UGA and show the nation that UGA is overrated. Your offense is better then...
Come on beat them puppy dogs this week! I think your D will own them! Can you say shutout?
SEC admits refs 'goofed' in Florida-Tennessee game BY DAVID JONES FLORIDA TODAY GAINESVILLE - The Southeastern Conference's supervisor of...
This is so gay why does the refs have to change the game again against Florida. OMG I so mad!
Yea but the top teams are not playing a DII school......
(Just not against UF :wink: ) I hope we can play against each other in the SECCG and by they way beat the crap out of UGA(again) when you all...
I would like to be able to pick off pitches and laterals cause it always bounce off the person and some times you never get it.
He won a ACC title with Duke! Yes Duke! He is a great coach....but just a great COLLEGE COACH.
Spurrier would NEVER go to Georgia! NEVER! Not for a Billion dollars!
Yea I thought UGAy was at full health when yall played LSU in the SECCG? Damn yall played good didnt yall! SO WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR EXCUSE IN THAT...
yea but I dont know......they did not win by throwing TD passes so Eli was a no factor(kinda).
by the way that guy is a 2 star!
Chippy if zook is so stupid then why is he 2-0 VS Richt , and not only 2-0 but has also out coached him the last 2 years! Watchout Dogs Florida...
yea one time a georgia fan told me they recruited a RB that had 3.9 speed and I punched him for being so stupid!
I say The Mighty Gators should go to the Playoffs! I mean we won against the future National Champs of 2003!
I was right about the SECCG Picks and I Will be right about this one! LSU:31 Homa:14 and yea Michigan takes care of USC!