I feel like I have to point this out even though my somelady has summoned me for spoon duty... a lot of folks have seized on this email: MWP...
Hate to say it... but... TOLD YA SO! From hacked email... From one of the hacked emails....
Nope. Houston.
First time I've used ESPN360. The video's dang good!
Back in pre-internet days I worked at a radio station that broadcast LSU sports. Had people calling from all over the US asking to be put on hold,...
Perspective. The whole point of athletics is they are a representation of the school. Let's face it, the head football coach is a far more visible...
One *can* use a hammer to drive a screw into a wall. Or a M1 Abrams to kill a fly. That doesn’t make it the proper tool. Linearizing an...
Nooo. I'm not! I'm just dumb Cajun with a rudimentary working knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fininte element methods. Basic...
No. You cannot examine a system containing feedback with trends. To do so linerizes a non-linear system. That's valid but only upon a small time...
Fun with Photoshop Using statistical methods (especially trending) for non-static sytems like climate is frought danger. For example: The...
Typical UT fan. Whiney. Winning and still finding something to whine about! :bncry:
http://www.fra.dot.gov/Downloads/RRdev/hsrstrategicplan.pdf I ass-u-me ya'll have read the "vision". Notice not one mention of future...
http://features.csmonitor.com/economyrebuild/2009/04/16/high-speed-rail-can-it-work-in-the-us/ We already have that. And no, it doesn't even break...
Mah, you can't compare the US to other countries. One reason we don't have cross-country rail, like other countries is our size. I always hear......
Reportedly they will offer $1 more than 'Bama's paying him, and he is expected to accept the offer.
Re: Could we look back on this loss and say that's the day Les Miles star started to Oh good heavens, try, TRY, TRYYY, not to have a diaster...
Danielson just said "Nick Saban is channeling some Les Miles with that..." :)
I wish we had a video of the post-UAB-loss press conference. It would be interesting to compare Saban's actions between the two. Dave.
Here's a tip: Don't have an open container driving into Oxford. If you have LA license plates you are a sitting duck for a shakedown. I've been...
Even Hawthorne is asking where KW is...