YouTube - LSU Neck vs Tennessee
Yes, it is a bit scary to think he played in Tiger Stadium just over a month ago. Very sad.
Students get in free with your student ID. First come first serve, though the student section hasn't sold out in several years.
This scares me to death. LSU fans are pushing Miles out. He will not be fired, but he may leave. People just assume that LSU will get a...
Wow, this is the 2nd time that the Saints have faced a rookie QB, and let the opposing defense win the game. 4 INTs by Brees. Wow.
The media has called LSU overrated for 7 weeks now. They were waiting for this to happen so they could dismantle us.
No, he "deserved" criticism. He was a sub-par QB. And, it seemed like the 2008 season broke his spirit. Last year, he was given a shot and...
Out of context. He was asked who would be the scout QB in practice, so who would be the "Cam Newton" on the team, for the defense to prepare...
Steven Ridley . $23 Jarrett Lee . $15 Josh Jasper . $9 Kelvin Sheppard . $8 Michael Ford . $5
"I don't read books, but if I read books, it would be like reading a book."
Here's how I see it. Miles does NOT want a situation where he starts Lee, and we lose. What then? Does he keep an 0-1 starting Lee over a 7-0...
We definitely heard boos during the LSU-Florida game. I am SURE they booed an 7-point offensive performance.
Chavis . $50 Alfred Blue . $8 L. Levingston . $1 Morris Claiborne . $1
Jefferson will start until we lose a game I think. Looking at it from a perspective that "I lost my starting role and I am 7-0." It makes a...
I have been thinking this too. It is very risky, though. Okay, lets say that this was Florida's thought's from the start: 16 seconds left, 2nd...
I think it would be better to eliminate Arkansas from the SECW discussion at least temporarily. For some reason, I do not want to go to an away...
**Knocks on every piece of wood in the house**
And here comes the meltdown. It only took 1 play.
Tennessee played mistake-free football for 59 minutes and 59 seconds against LSU. A +4 turnover margin is an incredible equalizer. (Actually,...
At the game, the ref said that the try must be attempted, and the ball was spotted. Then about a minute later, the ref just said that the game...