Exactly right. The FBI is not looking for tax money. The IRS has their own criminal investigators that take care of that. Its also possible the...
Could be. Is it just me or does Garrett come off like a weasel to everyone else?
You mean the reaction on the sidelines? I thought that big dude should have planted him worse than he did.
How does your league score? Thats 22 points in our league.
I picked up Freeman and played him this week. I also have Mike Williams so it was a decent hookup and Freeman was respectable. Against Vick though...
I hope you didnt listen to me on that Stafford play against the Giants a couple weeks ago. LOL At our trade dealine I turned down Michael Vick...
Heres the thing gang, everyone is letting their hatred of Fairly and the suspicions about Newton cloud what was happening on the field. I was...
You guys are freakin blind. Richt escalated it and he's the coach! What team ran on the field and what team stayed on the sideline? Who was out...
Dont kid yourself. Richt had as much to do with what happened at the end of that game as Aub. Both those teams should be embarrassed for what...
Some people with think this is sour grapes but if an LSU player was playing like Fairly I would be just as critical. Nobody is going to believe...
Its looked to me like he was blocked into the QB on that one but no doubt, he is one dirty SOB. NFL teams will jump all over him though because he...
You know what, you're right. I just watched Jones talking with reporters and he comes across as almost senile and a complete control freak. Im not...
Dallas has had one playoff win in 14 years. Jones wants success. I would say the odds are better than one chance in hell. ;)
No kidding. He was lit up by Jones on Saturday. I dont know how many catches Jones had but it seemed like a bunch and most of them where right on...
Which is exactly what I have been hearing locally. The gumps were relishing more in Aubs bad news last week than their game with us. And they are...
Whats going around the athletic offices throughout the conference is that Aub and MooU are likely ok. Whats not so clear is the who said/what was...
Watch this one closely. Saban could very well look at this despite what he may say. Its well known his agent has a good relationship with Jones...
You havent been around long enough brotha but Izzy is the mathematical magician when it comes to BCS scenarios. He called it in 03 and 07 with...
I got an email with the bios of the two people in question. It came from my uncle in law at Tennessee. One was to the sports agents web page and...
Its been a GREAT, GREAT day. I didnt say a word. They couldnt stand it and finally started talking the game about lunch. I was humble and they...