On Elian There isn't a person with a brain who can explain why they needed agents in full combat load to stick guns in the peoples faces. There...
I know the abilities of our elite special forces teams in situations a lot hairier than Waco. Koresh and his top dogs could have been taken out...
They could have pursued other routes than the OK Corral with 200 news cameras filming. I don't believe that was the best way to resolve the...
It's Funny. In spite of the Libs screaming about civil liberties under Bush, under CLINTON were more unprovoked acts of violence against AMERICAN...
DO NOT buy into the liberal crap. JD and his ilk paint it as "You're either for Koresh or for Clinton" No one supports Koresh, bu the FACT is...
Terrorist Attacks. LOVE IT. You completetly ignore the many terrorists attacks under Clinton that went completely unpunished not to mention...
You simply can't process the fact that the Clinton episode happened because of the investigation into his sexual harassment charges. Barr and the...
While that might seem like a good point logically, and it is logically, it falls flat ecnomically. Simply put, tax cuts influence a large-scale...
CANES CANES!! I too would get mulitple containers of the cane's sauce. A tiger high five to anyone who can post the recipe!!
Dude! That Rocks. If that is consistent with your other work, they need to can Trev and get your butt up there. That's very insightful and...
Yeah, not till after I responsed. A little too quick on the trigger.... :^)
"ouch...I think we all lived fairly good lives under Clinton in those 8 years, correct? Clinton, whether you like it or not, will go down in...
DISBARRED from the Supreme Court for his LIES. Clinton is the scummiest president in American history INCLUDING Grant and Kennedy.
Ya want some more Clinton Firsts? Clinton's remarkable record will also show that he is: , The first elected president in U.S. history to...
SO, a person's extramarital affairs aren't an issue when being accused of sexual harassment? You are DEAD wrong. And Clinton conducted himself...
The lunatic-fringe ramblings speaks for itself...However: Hyde, Burton et al were not being accused of sexual harassment. Clinton was. Figure...
No one is talking about sensoring Mr. Franken or any scumballs like him. Just as he has a right to do his thing, we have a right to talk about...
Franken redux Franken's not a Has Been, he's a "never was".
Since you're obviously a big fan of the literary work of Franken, how about you give an assertion and we'll go from there...
Franken That book and the drivel in it was Franken's death rattle as the only way he could get ANY attention was to attack FoxNews and get the...