to me it isnt that the "penalty would have extended the drive" is that the penalty prevented LSU from having the ability to extend the...
doesn't seem that far fetched. Obviously need some help....Bama should beat Georgia giving them 2 losses with LSU having the head to head in a...
what do yall mean they haven't played anyone??? just look at the teams that the teams bama beat....beat..... IN St., WKU, SEMO, Tulsa, UNLV, GA...
Sweated my way to my stand Sat morning. Couple does came through around 10:30 eating water oak acorns so even with the heat at least saw some...
I do not fish over there but you are right in amongst some great redfish and trout fishing in the lake right there. Trustle can really good and...
can’t fish this weekend so went for a few hours tonight to try some lights. Only fished one and got a fine mess of fish. 5 slot reds, 14 specks...
Had planned on taking kids to ship island to play in the fort, look for shark teeth, and catch some ground mullet(whiting) in the surf but lots of...
lost something in the clarity i guess looks pretty grainy but on the phones it is clear as a bell
try this out looks like it worked i guess since I can see em on here. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I do have a YouTube thing but it’s set to private. Just for the kids to play on so no one else can see em....I assume I’d have to change it to...
How do you post a video on here or does it have to be linked to YouTube? Looks like even though photobucket is back to hosting free pics they...
Our fishing regulation overlords granted us permission to go catch OUR red snapper one last weekend of the season. Went with a buddy Friday and...
they are salted and sittin right now. not sure what gonna do. bottom has completely fallen out of the market only getting $10/ft over 8 and $6...
nah they about average for their size....just not really big gators. they do not start getting a lot of girth till they get up over 9ft. at 8ft...
gator season over here closing today. Got a couple decent ones for the over 7 tags and some good runts for the short tags. Was a little...
it def aint the food I'd be worried about in most places.......the bugs I don't know if I could handle. I am a big fan of my thermocell and OFF....
Saw another bout size last week sucker got away though. Guess he went in a hole just vanished
Fried or grilled generally. It tastes like whatever you season/marinate it in.....kinda like chicken I guess in that neither have their own...
Nah. Just do a little land scaping/yard work, tree work, and light demolition/debris removal
Really just ain’t done much. Between running my side business and trying to keep that sucker in check since it’s trying to run away with me and I...