Yea some of em. Mainly corn watermelon squash beans okra tomatoes bell peppers and some carrots. Used to do a lot more but have scales it way back
Nah most of the fish are gone already and the gators really don’t give all that much meat. Have just enough fish left to make it through deer...
450lbs. prob around 30-40 years old. They dont live as long as some think. All that BS about gators being 300 years old etc is nonsense. They...
Didnt get to fish near as much as usual mainly bc of the weather but got a few trips in. The days did get to go were some of the best speckled...
They ain’t bad guns either. I have 2 of those one in improved choke and one with the poly choke and I like em. They shoot almost as good as the...
Could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the prices. I have 4 of them right now but they all have more meaning than money. 3 of them...
Dern. Curiosity got me just looked online and those old brownings going for over $2000 now. Last time I had looked at prices they were $800...
Nah that one goes to my oldest boy ha. Those guns are generational if you take care of em. Had some guys hounding me for it in the club I was in...
got it for christmas when I was 16. actually have a few of them now but that was the first one and one I use most of the time. they are pretty...
Havent been able to go much with all the kids stuff going on but made 4 morning hunts over spring break and finally got one to play ball on the...
Nah I don’t want anything removable. Been wanting to go with a hard top anyways so can get on top of it watch for cobia etc. I have plenty...
Beau. We just pulled up on deer across from harbor on way in
kids been beggin to get on the water and finally got a day we were all off together so off we went. calm nice day but real foggy so had to take...
What big deer? aint no big deer in the south. nothing but goats down here. Biggest I've ever killed was only 235lbs and biggest seen in person...
well nothing good to report on Thanksgiving week hunting. Plenty deer seen but nothing I wanted to shoot on the half I hunted solo and the half I...
vid quality is terrible. no clue why it does that it is clear as a bell on the phone
couple short vids of my Catahoula on those 2 does. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]