I would bet more than a dollar it wasn't water in those cups they were drinking from. [ATTACH]
https://www.vegasinsider.com/college-football/odds/las-vegas/ This is the web site I use to check odds. As you can see we are a 3 point favorite.
Brian addressed the trap aspect today in his presser. I think this game will tell us if we have any leaders on the team. It's on the coaches to...
I wouldn't call the greatest coach in CFB history a fraud.
Keep your flags in your phucking pockets. [ATTACH]
I would call that a senior moment. [ATTACH]
Why are there posts in this thread? Shouldn't they be in the game thread? Bottom line. I'M INTERESTED!!!
Pay well??? [ATTACH]
Houston wins game #5 in Philly 3 - 2 to take a 3 - 2 lead in the Series. Games 6 & 7 if necessary in Houston. Geaux Astros.
Unfortunately, I think the stay at #10 will be short lived. [ATTACH]
Probably. There's not much else on.
I've banked at a bank on the Air Force Academy for 50+ years. Who do you think it's owned by?
I wouldn't know. It's been 50+ years since I've tasted it.
When I was a kid growing up, my Dad usually had a bottle of Old Crow laying around the house. I would occasionally sneak a sip or two. I guess...
You have company.
Never cared much for margarita's but I've been known to enjoy a bloody mary or two.
My next door neighbor is a black, retired Army NCO. His wife & my wife are very good friends. She teaches my wife how to cook damn good Southern...
We DEMAND to see pictures.
The checks in the mail. [ATTACH]