Since i caught most of the game on TV i noticed what i thought were a lot of non-calls on fouls. It seemed to me, keyword seemed, that it was more...
I have to be at church for 10 but i will be up most of the night with this stuff. Have fun :D
,:| <-----------Rock, the only People's Champion :D
Guys, I have watched the Rose Bowl and checked out a lot of the sports media sites. Its seems that USC considers themselves the number one team in...
Fiu did his article on who the real winners of last nights awards should of been. Check out who he had for three of them :D...
Wow, USC lives by the computer and they die by the computer. If it would of been OU vs. USC there would be hardly the problem there is now....
I look at how WE got 18 1st place votes.... i think people see that we are a dominant team.
Ya i have been at it since 930 this morning.
I just wanted to simply say that. I spent the whole day and into the night with nothing but football on. I sat there through most of the game with...
Major love coming from the final crew. I hope the BCS projection go through.
Boise State game isnt meaningless because they play Hawaii who was beaten by USC. A loss to Boise and thats a hit against USC's SOS.
Who knows, islstl maybe Edwards in disguise :D
damn int.
The 2nd half is on right now guys dont miss the love :)
Look guys I might not of liked the words that Zemek said(who i respect for a lot of his love he has shown LSU this season) i can't fault the...
I think this guy for the Houston Chronicle, especially from the tone and content, has made a few assumptions. I think that what is most blatant is...
Alright Bluto!:D
Oh, I almost forgot to add on to the end of my last reply but i think it should be seperate now that i think about it. While LSU still has to play...
The only problem is is that LSU also needs to influence the voters. We need to influence the various computers out their too. Unforunately I don't...
This might sound simple and somewhat stupid but here it goes. I have heard a lot of talk saying that LSU losing its QW points due to replaying UGA...