Doesn't matter. The Democrats partners in crime in the media will do as they always do and demonize republicans and the TP.
A poll like this is utterly worthless. Opinion polls in general are worthless. The poll taker usually has an agenda and the results of the poll...
You can be against government services and still take them. Liberals take and take and take. You have to get as much as you can back when so...
Congratulations on discovering what the Tea Party knew all along which is why they were opposed. This doesn't cut jack shhit. Up next to be...
It's obvious from his post that is exactly what he was saying.
Who gave them the bailout money? Every politician that gave it to them was voted into office with one vote by each person. Why didn't they...
USM's logo makes Iowa's look like shhit.
Bush is an ******* who started a war with trumped-up evidence and is responsible for the death of thousands of American soldiers who believed they...
Should poor people not have to contribute to society? They have the right to vote, shouldn't they contribute something, even a little, as well?
Maybe you've heard of a little political movement called the tea party. WTF do you think everyone in the tea party is so pissed off about? Of...
He's right red. The next election is going to be an asswhoopin. Might as well prepare for a cut in your gubmint services and prepare for a world...
He's already on record as saying his lawyers looked into it and said it wasn't constitutional. But then again, I don't think he really gives a...
Thats funny. According to CNN, republicans are a divided house and can't get along but democrats are united. 2012 will be like the last...
It's not our duty to make sure everyone in the world is defended. I don't ant N. Korea to invade south Korea but S. Korea has to take...
Because they are the mortal enemy of those that want bigger and left-wing government. The left wingers in the media are terrified of the movement...
I could have video evidence but you'd crawfish around it. Everyone knows you won't be convinced so it's not worth the time amigo. Any retard can...
That chart is total dog-****. You really believe that Obamacare only cost 152 billion dollars? It's trillions of dollars alone. And Obama could...
Holy ****. This is the the most ridiculous, bass-ackwards nonsense ever to be posted. To actually write "I can't stand IDIOTS, FOOLS and...
Nope, just reckless spending. Revenues are through the roof and the United States and a good half of Americans pay no federal taxes. How...
Oops. Obama Loses Ground in 2012 Reelection Bid