Is Tasmin related to Darrell?
i haven't seen JV or Williams yet. i can assure that they will get a chance.
mauck is still in denver.
seriously i'm a little concerned about tenn. if we win that game then we run the board.
uuummmm........ hhhmmmm........ and KENT joined the SEC when........?
Best post i've seen all day
never never never ever never ever. i would boo a coach but never my team. plus just think what the recruits must think when solething like that...
i just tried to message you. not sure if it got through but, let me know.
i am in the navy. and it is my pleasure to do what i do. i get paid( very little of course well, compared to civilians) to play.
and they say boot camp doesn't take anything out of you! definitly lost some IQ there( they beat it out of me). and then freezing my ba_ _s off in...
ok. i'm going to look a dummy for this one so here goes, who is BP?
I think that either will be a goof hire for different reasons( recruiting vs longevity). I just pray that no matter who we get, they like to...
Quote: Originally Posted by FortWorthTiger To be honest, I'm a beer drinking, fried food eating, loud screaming college football fan. My...
getting back to the preseason ranking for a minute, didn't we start at 13th in 2003?
dont missunderstand me kteam. i am not speaking of you. i actually agree with most of your posts. well i've gotta go to my watch so i'll see yall...
whether they are average at best is not a point. we won and it counted last i looked. and maybe, just maybe, if we showed a little more support...
miss. state
RP seems to point out that there is ME in team. i hope JR goes off this season.
the team has been on a roll lately so lets just be patient and get out there and support this team. last time i checked it was our only b-ball...