That was actually kind of funny.
Agreed, he led that last drive well. Up until the no call delay of game. Seriously, that is unacceptable and Jefferson is notorious for it....
Oh the hypocrisy...
I don't think Hartley is done with the Saints, but I'll be Payton brings in some competition, or at least bring back Carney to help the kid out....
The Japs sure got the message.
You're kidding, right?
I don't think anyone is saying that Lee is the answer to all of our problems on offense. But at the same time, JJ isn't playing up to the level...
You say that as if Saudi needs money.....they don't. You need to think on a bigger scale, my friend. And Saudi Arabia has been a LONG TIME ally...
Who cares? Being in a position of high responsibility comes with some perks. I could care less if some of my tax dollars are going towards this.
We were out on an exercise out in California last month and had an Iraqi national speak to us. He was a Squadron Commander in the Iraqi Air Force...
That country is a mess. We'll be close by...
We're trained for a lot of things. And when the fight is brought into towns, it tends to be a different fight, hence the requirement for such...
Did you even read the article you posted? It has absolutely nothing to do with policing the grounds. It has to do with rooting out the Taliban...
Oh I don't doubt any of that. But I also feel there are probably plenty out there who decided to get a loan for a house they couldn't afford and...
Are they really rich? Or are they just people who overextended themselves to live in a million-dollar home when they really didn't have the money...
Re: Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax H Then what are moderate news sites that...
That's the problem.
Wait....I don't get it. The picture was of an Auburn tent on the beach. Am I missing something??? :hihi::hihi:
The NBA in New Orleans is all but done if Chris Paul is traded away.