Egypt is a key piece to keeping what little stability there is in the Middle East. We can't lose that. I know you like to think that if we...
I've yet to see an instance where the Patriot Act has impinged upon my freedoms.
I'm hoping that this season was an eye-opener for Miles and Crowton and the way the offense was run. It seems to me that it was, because we saw a...
Malzahn had the top offense in the country for two or three years when he was at Tulsa.
Tiger Stadium has been around since 1924 and back in the day served as a dormitory. So it's old and - surprise, surprise - it looks old, too!...
How are they random? You made the idiotic statement that LSU still plays in the same division as Alabama, implying that Alabama will always be...
Considering LSU has beaten Bama 8 times since 2000 (including this season), that statement means absolutely nothing.
We have a treaty with the South Koreans to fight with them should a war with North Korea erupt. So it IS our problem. Cue the standard "we...
Ivory is becoming our downhill beast, a la Deuce back in his prime. Thomas is fantastic with the screen. Sadly, Bush is having problems in both...
I think the problem we're having is that we're starting to play teams with nothing to lose who are going to bring their everything against the...
Some sort of compromise needs to be made. Hell, either extend them temporarily or raise the cap on who doesn't get the tax hike. I hate when...
He's gone.
That chart is amazingly accurate.
Contrails can typically only be seen above a certain altitude (usually in the mid-30,000s). Exhaust from a missile is different. But based on...
What were the earmarks? Could it not have been a way for them to get money that federal money would be set aside for anyway? If you haven't...
Thumb drives have been banned from unclassified DOD computers for a few years now. As far as classified computers go, your security clearance is...
Unfortunately, I'd be 100% against LSU being in the National Championship game after not winning the SECCG. It's just not the way things should...
Yes, if we want to continue to minimize collateral damage to civilians and their property, as well as further protect our guys in the fight - and...
I think our D played well, all things considered. Cam Newton is just that good. It hurts to say it, but it's true. A guy like that is hard to...