WOW so many fair-weathered "fans" in here.... LSU still wins by 21...
I was gonna reply but it's the same old crap. Any team from the SEC gets down played by the media. Who cares... if we get to play them we win by...
why is this is even an issue... we got business to handle this year.. namely winning a national championship... I personally don't worry about...
so who won the fight? LSU or Tulane?
I think I took Florida...
I like the Royal Cenesta and the hotel at Harrahs is really cool... The Cenesta is right on bourbon and an ideal loacation if you plan on partying...
wow those idiots think they are gonna come into Death Valley and if we both play our "A" game, they will beat us by double digits... I wish I...
someone double this guys meds... I hope he knows that no one who has watched LSU play this year will lose any sleep because we think Tulane has a...
Glen Dorsey for President 08
Flynn is from Tyler Texas, same highschool that my cousin is playing for right now...
Great golf courses around huntsville... I have actually stayed at the holiday inn express on exit 230, I 65.... its only about a 5-6 hour drive...
This is considered a game? I thought this was like weekend practice or something... LSU wins easily, like duh.. im going fishing or golfing or...
yea lets commit some felonys! That'll show the world we have class!
I'd tell ya my secrets but then i'd have to kill ya... I Will say this though... it involves: 2 midgets grape jelly Crown Royal handcuffs that's...
try typing it SLOWER..that might help...
See whats happening now that parents can't spank kids anymore? Whoever said that that "timeout" crap works is a.... nvm I don't want a warning...
im taking Fla.. and im like 8 of 10 in picks this year... selected betting but hundreds on each game... :)
Whew great post... I Thought we were gonna have a test and im just a simple Kajun boy who has been out of school way to long... p.s. if we have...
bout time someone from ESPN had a brain fart and figured out the truth....
Re: Is "Punt Ugly" Ugly Again? And wazzup with the kickoffs? I say lets just never punt again the rest of this season... Because everytime we...