OMG... im gonna cry
Chris Webber is the QB for KY? sweeeeeet.. now lets stop them
just like when im playing poker... 1 time dealer.. 1 time... cmon 1 time.. a flag? wtf
tell Jai not to look around for the flag... act like u meant to do it and it was clean good coverage...
I love great college football games... My heart just can't take the ones involving LSU... esp this year with everything on the line... I got 4...
well our defense is the best in the nation its time to earn those headlines
2 easy!
lets not start crying yet.. we just got to answer...
wheres our blitz?
wow... just wow... so close... great call by LM... he had the leg just hooked it a bit.. I like our chances in OT
wow... just wow
Blue Grass Miracle Part Deaux?
my god MF couldnt stand on an oil rig and throw a ball into the Gulf of Mexico right now...
anyone else see those extra 3 secs tick off the clock ...
great run by hester!
CATCH THE BALL... was under-thrown...
great run MF
2 n 7... RUN the ball sheesh... Flynn looks like a freshman out there