Watch NCAA Football
jinx post FTW...
I remember back when I started college. Down here on the bayou the police force was a joke and the traffic didn't exist at 2 am cept for some...
Heineken then budlgiht/bud then best then passout.. which is pretty standard saturday during football season to me...
wow... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...great game.. and oh btw... LQQK out SEC/BCS... i think LSU got a QB now...
lkdfajhgalsdg ;asdg; asd; asd;g as;ldg ;alsjdhg;sadhg ;sadhg;lajsdhg l;asdhg;lsadg;k sag;jsda;g as;ldg;lskda l;sdf lksadjgl'kjsd lkjsdalk'...
So why did we stop giving the ball to Scott?
Scott is a beast.. so awesome
someone tell him ya gotta put tator salad in the gumbo...
I was sorta talking about SEC football... this has been a great game... it's kinda like sex.. but that's another story for another time...
wow.. just wow... no way it can get better then this...
onside kick.. OMG... I luv LM
OMG offense... we got a ball game! LETS GEAUX DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Welcome to the SEC, Hatch
how does he get 8 years there? wtf
this is rough... this is the first game I actually get to watch due to work and the hurricanes and such... my god...
my god..come on... 5 wide or something
sdkgjasldg asd saldf asdlkfj asldkjflksad flasdf sldakjflsad lsakdjf lksajdflk jasd'fl jsadlf/alsdf las/df lasdflsadf laksdjlaksjf'alskdjf lasdkjfasdf
terrible throw behind the WR