I’m not advocating more laws. Can’t even enforce the ones we have. I may be coming off wrong I’m not railing against guns, I support gun rights,...
I have some extra tin foil
I didn’t say that, what I’m saying is I can’t stand the excuses people make when it comes to defending guns. They really pull shit out of their...
You know, I’m a gun advocate, but I’m sick of the dumb ass arguments. I hate the whole gun is a tool argument or you die more in cars than from...
Do some research on this dude. Look at his history and background and look at what a lot of his friends say about him. Shouldn’t a judge be...
Uh no, he proved he is a partisan hack that isn’t fit for the highest court in the land. He cried over calendars and a shit load of his friends...
If he is such a constitutionalist then why does he think the constituion falls short in protecting sitting presidents from litigation other...
Yeah they really supported Kagan didn’t they....
I don’t see it like that. The way I see it, if Bart was a D this same shit would be going on it would just be coming from the other side. I see...
Isn’t that basically what I just said? I don’t like Bart for a myriad of reasons, one of which is not allegations from 40 years ago. Do I think...
You may be on to something
I fucking hate the Clintons. I can’t stand Obama, but I don’t make shit up just because I don’t like them. And if I hear a bunch of bullshit I’m...
Dude Charlie was one of the best. That’s when Sportscenter and ESPN were awesome.
Unfortunately, if it doesn’t garner clicks and likes it doesn’t get attention except for maybe locally.
Let’s not act like anyone gave a fuck other than the fact a Clinton was involved. And you’re the exception to the rule, so I wasn’t describing...
Wouldn’t have mattered I’m affiliated with no party. I’ve said plenty of times I don’t think there is enough evidence to convict him of a crime....
That is absolutely false. You read what you wanna read. It sticks out here because I’m like of maybe 4 people here who aren’t so far to the...
Kavanaugh has one too, didn’t mention that though did you?
And I want to see real pictures of the moon landing and proof there are no aliens in Roswell.
You made me spit out my drink on that one lol.