I’m gonna have to start putting emojis on everything.
man, this is a funny ass show. Here is a good story. [MEDIA]
So I know y’all hate Alyssa Milano now because she speaks and doesn’t conform but she said that Bill Clinton should have been investigated and he...
If you guys get a chance to try cherry cookie which is a gsc and cherry pie hybrid. Oh man. I’ve been smoking nothing but pens lately and the...
He is a cross between Foghorn Leghorn and Dolly Parton.
Fuck em all. With handcuffs up against a wall like Bart does. Too soon? :)
Wait, so @CalcoTiger you think I’m baiting people. I always thought I did a decent job of really going out there when it comes to sarcasm so it...
I mean think about it. Is that wrong, I think so, I’m agreeing with you. But I understand the why behind it. I don’t like the why, but I get...
I answered that already. Clicks and likes. I’m not saying it’s right I’m just saying that’s what it is. Or...... it could be the article writer...
You haven’t heard this stupid shit yet? You aren’t missing anything.
I don’t do Cheetos. I’m more of a Funyuns dude. Did you hear about the stupid ass mumble rapper that had to have stomach surgery because he ate...
I mean if you’re at a camp or something or just grillin with the friends but at home hungry and high I’m not waiting on a fucking potato.
It’s in Italian
Oh boy. I imagine y’all think the Clintons are like that bad guy on Inspector Gadget.
Same reason you voted for Trump probably, to prevent a shit heel from entering the White House.
Since the microwave was invented who do you know other than Mitch Hedberg that’s actually baked a potato in tin foil in the oven?
Mercury would probably be number one if we were talking strictly vocal talent. But he doesn’t crack my personal top 10 he is close. I could...
Personal top 10
Let me take a moment to share the genius that is Mike Patton. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]