it wasn't leggins it was a leotard. but seriously, if i win, i don't think such careful consideration will be placed on a decision like this...
mullen, i'm just laying it with the odds because i want to pick your picture.
i think he's basing this on seeing our other QB's play. the best QB will start next year. if that's ZM, and i believe it will be, then...
yeah vegas is scared to death of our game which is basically why they set it as almost a pick'em. i never bet on an LSU game but this would be a...
dantonio is a great coach. don't sleep on him. you match up well, just beat 'em up front.
probably because they are measuring this in dollars and not wal mart jerseys.
in 4th now, but needs a push. if someone is bored it looks like it takes multiple votes. which is BS anyway. of course the aggies are gonna have...
what's the difference btwn an aggie and a bucket of s%!#....... oh nevermind.
hey y'all c'mon, we went from ranking in the 100's to the 90's this year. with crowton trending this way, i'm sure we'll break the 80's next...
it must sting seeing peterson doing well.
ok, i'll put away my pessimism.
do they have some kind of relationship? if not, then i don't want a QB that stupid to come to LSU. has he seen crowton coach QB's?
uh oh, that would make me think miles is not getting rid of crowton and alleva is washing his hands of it.
well true but you never know with trades and such
yeah but this one is not named Matt which is pretty important if you want to win a NC here. :yelwink2: seriously though the guy has failed...
i guess the lasix worked. :yelwink2: awesome for him. now we need to peterson or nevis or sheppard to get drafted by KC. keep the theme going.
what caught up with bama this year and hopefully for years to come is that they are the big dog now. a season maker when you beat them. for...
btw what is a croton? is it like an electron that always runs to the short side of the atom?
on one hand i hate bama and am happy when anything bad happens to them. on the other hand i do understand that this was classless sort of. on...