I guess your the dumb **** locoguano. I thought the quote was funny and I could care less about how you feel about James Carville.
He thinks it will be SC and Miami in the NC game because "SC does'nt play anyone" and LSU's tough road schedule. My favorite: Q: How did you...
Can any of you guys tell me if tickets will be available for the Florida game on LSUsports.net? If so, when?
Great FOXsports article on LSU/UGA football. I thought you guys might enjoy this. LSU/UGA Quote: "Outdoors or on a carpet, daytime...
How much are the six-packs?
Are these being sold all over Louisiana? This is the first time I've seen them....
Sabanfan = Hillary ?
Big Breaux Bridge Party!? If any you guys have lived near Lafayette, you know those people know how to have a good time. Crawfish ain't all...
Got my vote. Good luck.
Isn't that like OU saying they would have won the game had it not been for J. Vincent's great performance?
Broken link.
Thanks for the info. I had no clue what kind of number it would be. And to think another thread questioned whether LA. would issue a LSU NC...
I assumed that LSU being in the SB would be very profitable for N.O., but I have'nt heard any figures about it. I also wonder how the figures...
I think Matt got enough money from MLB to pay cash for dental school.
From that quote, I sense that we have another female tigerforums member. No offense!:D
Very nice! I guess that means you'll be stuck watching reruns of that TLC show 'While You Were Out'. Or maybe they'll begin a new show 'While you...
On PC's post game(Sugar Bowl) phone interview he stated that he offered to play the winner of the SB but no one took him up on his offer. That's...
Congratulations, furcal! Have fun, and don't schedule too many of those damned classes each semester. Those classes can sure get in the...
Audio feed is on LSUsports.net.