I TOTALLY AGREE Your last comment was a chep shot I've come to expect from you TF "no-lifers".
I wasn't ranting that it needs to be played. I said if Auburn is ready to play then we should be too. It's that simple. You and Ramah get out...
Okay, please tell me why I should care about rep. pts. I honestly don't know or give a s---. I was simply venting my frustration at those...
Do you think I care? Ramah spends all day in TF entertaining people like you by insulting others. You're in good company.
Oh Ramah, you're so cool. I wish I could stay in Tigerforums all day and insult other members. Are you married? If so, what does that say about...
I agree. Ramah you're a real a--hole.
If the team can't make it there safely, then they should not play. But don't tell me you would be concerned for Auburn fans if the tables were...
It's not the water. It's all the whining going on that's driving me crazy.
I can't believe all the complaining about whether the game should be played or not. It sounds like most of you don't want to see LSU football on...
Why do you say that?
It will be postponed. Bet on it. :thumb:
Exactly. Tubby has as much to do with the decision as does the Louisville head coach. I say it is 90/10 the game will be postponed to Nov. 6th.
:( A fire destroyed a fraternity house(Alpha Tau Omega) at Ole Miss. yesterday and killed three students. Please keep the victims and their...
You call me a dumb**** and a couple of days later read, and post, something like that. I-D-I-O-T.
Typical homophobe trying to divert our attention away from the gay guys. :grin:
Tarzan in the USC picture takes the cake. :eek:
LSU spotlight on SEC-TV(Fox Sports Net) Tonight. :thumb: LSU spotlight