Save your insults for your boyfriend, I don't care. I'll add some of his quotes, too. "we believe our investigation has been sufficient to give...
It is staged. All parties are actors.
It is his claim, long after the emails had been released. Never proven. Nor have the allegations on the web that China and Russia hacker her. No...
Damn, I boldfaced the key word so that you could not miss it again, but you did. Petraeus gave the classified data to an unauthorized THIRD PARTY....
OK, Mr. Honesty. He also did not say that they didn't charge her with a crime because of who she is.
Yeah, who says this?
Petraeus gave classified documents to a third party, Clinton did not. If you can see this, you are as foolish as you think everybody else is.
There is a huge difference. Petraeus knowingly distributed hard-copy classified information to a third party. Clinton never distributed any of...
See, that wasn't so hard. Why can't the angry guy just make his case like this instead of crying foul and saying go look it up. So, procedural...
That's what I thought.
So where do we stand for season 7? We have the North Allied once again with what is left of the Starks and with allies in the Vale (at least for...
Jon Snow has lost every battle he has led after making poor tactical decisions. Sansa won the last battle. And did you see the glance she passed...
So why can't you produce this evidence? What did they say exactly? Why did they not indict? Telling some one to go to Google it is an overt...
As usual you make a claim and cannot back it up.
That's your argument? No wonder Tiger in NC has been making a total fool of you in this thread,
What exactly did he say?
So where does your information come from? If there is a crime, then the FBI will indict. If there is no crime, they won't and the "scandal" is...
No one has proven that there were classified documents on her server. She handled all classified documents by paper only. Sources have suggested...
He may have been on the verge of academic ineligibility. He is not going to say "I flunked out" and LSU cannot say it. If he was not going to play...
But the whole controversy is about the personal emails that were not on the .gov account. Personal emails are not government records.