Best for the program meaning that the same rules do not apply to All-Americans. Les dismissed an All American Heisman trophy finalist for smoking...
Actually Saban went off on a four-letter word rant within hearing of reporters. That guy is wired way too tight.
The server error says try again later. So you folks carry on and I'll try next time.
So you think I'm supposed to represent a forum? Who derided who way back when? Go make fun of them. Or can't you remember? Tusk asked some...
I can't upload a file.
You can't answer a simple question?
I have.
It's enough for a guy who fishes out there every day. But if you get one or two opportunities a year to fish offshore, you miss the days when you...
It is past time for this story to move along. The parallel threads must start coming together so it is not like an ongoing soap opera every week....
I tend to agree. When you have that many traffic violations, including open ones, you are going to get pulled over a lot and it sounds like the...
Your post proves one thing. Double digit IQ.
Vehicular homicide will get you five to thirty points without parole.
Three guys on the internet know more than the FBI. Got it. Would you like to buy some land in Plaquemines Parish?
Where did the FBI report say that she did that?
Wow, you're so cool.
So what?
If that were true, then Hillary could not possibly have any classified information on her personal computer. Strike two.
Perhaps they are not.
When did he say that? Here is what he said..."To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this...
Ah, your usual resignation.