Poor Hodor. They killed another sympathetic figure, now they will kill an evil one. Take Littlefinger, I am tired of him.
I was talking to the smart guy and I'll refrain from nothing.
He is buying himself a lot of planks in the platform that Hillary will have to run on so that he will bring his voters to the polls for her. He is...
There are so many storylines now that it is becoming like a soap opera--each storyline only gets a few minutes each episode--and it drags on and...
1. Very good, not great. 2. 25 ACT 3. None better. 4. Very good. Not great 5. Free LSU bus system. 6. No.Very good, not great.
Grapevine has a small-town feel for a suburb in a megalopolis. Good highways, good eateries and nightlife, but close to the airport. Lots of...
Incorrect. Subs collided, planes were shot down, close fly-bys were as common as rain and are still happening. Look it up. It's SOP between the...
It's not like we don't also mess with Russian planes, ships and subs that prowl near our turf.
You really should use Google, even if you are too lazy. But the facts will disturb you.
That's your answer?
When did they do that and what did they say?
Hokie Gajan dead at 56. Damn.
Who has proved this?
How much foreign aid do we give Saudi Arabia?
Corned beef pot roast with potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbage. A tossed salad, some garlic bread, and peach cobbler.
So capturing some sailors in a broken down patrol boat that were quickly released is the proudest moment in Iranian military history? How pathetic.
The quote was about our military intervention to overthrow Qaddafi which ended in August 2011 and we did not lose a single person. Look it up. You...
The FBI looks into many things. That doesn't make them crimes. If there is found to be a crime, the FBI will announce it. If they announce...
Well, according to your own article. "Some say those existing provisions made protests illegal at political events where the Secret Service is...