OMFG. Go take your meds you fucking sourpuss. and btw, it's someone you love WAS suffering. Someone is singular.
HatcherTiger is a little bitch.
Meh. I'll stick with my rent houses.
Ive read this entire thread. Why would anyone want or need to own bitcoin or anything similar? I just don't see the point.
Ditto to all of the above. I hope that all of you get to spend time with your families, and celebrate the true reason for the season.
CO, quit being obtuse.
Charlie Pride. Covid got him yesterday. Dude was legend.
I wish someone would pay me 21.45M not to work for them.
Yep, they want to play for someone like you who doesn't hold them accountable, right?
Swing and a miss.
I'm sorry for your kids Calco. That was a touching tribute. I'll keep y'all in my prayers.
A friend of mine's embroidery business in Pearl River. They ship
Post any small business links here that you patronize. Let's support each other.
looked good to me. That dog is all about those deer! Man, you are raising those kids right. That little gal is some kind of proud and excited.
I have 2, ages 25 and 22. It never gets less expensive! The best thing I ever did for mine was encourage them to be independent. You may remember,...
@Kikicaca , everyone is entitled to their opinion on our team and its current troubles. Just because you don't agree, does not give you license to...
I got back a bit ago. Honestly, I forgot to take any pics. Neighbor was right. We had no damage, just a little mud on all 8f the concrete....
Our house is fine, heading to Bay St Louis to check the camp this morning. My neighbor says ours is the only one without damage anywhere around....