I have no problem with jarred roux. However, when I cook, I want to control the color of the roux, depending on what I am cooking. For that...
Jar'd roux is fine, but I just prefer to make mine. I prefer to cook it to the desired color for the dish I am making. It really doesn't take very...
When my daughter was doing her 18 month tour of the world, she met an Australian girl in India. My daughter was 22, Emma was 18. Apparently, it's...
Buy rent houses. Most of your tenants will pay in cash.
My soon to be son in law bought $80 worth a while back. It is worth 14K now. I told him to sell. He wants to hold on. He is fine with it going...
I have no issues with good natured ribbing. I do have a problem when it gets nasty.
This is what I have been talking about people.
Dude, don't test me. I'm still in a mood.
It seems that most are getting the point of this thread. Hopefully, you all do. Going forward, this board will be a place where people do not...
I get that many of you are long time posters. I get that the attacks don't bother you as you are used to it. However, look how many people, just...
Getting closer to saying fuck it. I guess I could let one of y'all deal with it. This place used to be great. It's not great anymore. So many of...
My brother in law and his clan have killed 5 this year. They were all this size. We are very much south.
Nice BB! I don't deer hunt, but love the spoils! My brother in law and his tribe have killed 5 so far this year. I process them, so I get lots of...
Again, I am less concerned with FSA (although there is no reason to be an asshole there either) than I am with the rest of the site.
I am not directing this just at FSA. There are many here who refuse to even try to be civil. I see people get personally attacked all the time in...
The site.
This entire website has turned into a bunch of bullies who personally attack anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's the primary reason so many...
So, if I am reading these comments right, none of you care that Drew has no moral backbone?
So crazy how much you love being a cantankerous old asshole.