The NY Times and Vanity Fair, two of the most unbiased organizations ever to exist. Scott Rasmussen disagrees 74% Say They Should Pay No More...
Leave Rachel Maddow out of this.
1: Obamacare. 2: "Political discussions, the kind at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of...
This is true, he's a socialist!
Yes they do. In the 50's and early 60's the Top income tax bracket was 91%, the percent of revenues from GDP was 18%. GDP is directly affected by...
More liberal propaganda. For the past 75 years the average Receipts by Percentage of GDP in the U.S. is 18%, with a high of 22% and the low...
Que the spin doctors in 3,2,1.....
Japan has a total of 55 Nuclear Reactors, some designs date back to the 60's. Considering these reactors have survived in one of the most seismic...
What? Gitmo is still holding terrorists. Wasn't that place shut down by the Obama administration? (Yes, this is sarcasm) YouTube - 60 Minutes:...
I've always wondered how poor people get so fat?
Haven't you learned yet. It's not Obama's fault it's always someone else!
This administration wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the a$$ More hope and change. HHS Secretary Sebelius admits to double-counting in...
So Oregon basically outbid Auburn, interesting!
DENIAL: It's not a river in Egypt. Not everyone! The Libtards would then have to become self sufficient, and don't want any part of that.
, Lets see, 7 of the 10 richest members of Congress are Democrats: 1. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.): $188.6 million 2. Rep. Darrel Issa...
Baby steps my friend. :yelwink2:
At least 10,000 from Microsoft. "From 1986 to 1996, Microsoft's stock...
You mean to tell me people actually create wealth thru hard work and sacrafice? Surely you jest!
Maybe the country needs a "Income Czar" to dictate who can get paid what.
The 2001 and 2003 tax cuts removed millions of taxpayers from the federal income tax rolls, leaving only those at the top to pay the bill. They...