I wonder if he is leaving town before the s**t storm starts? Lache Seastrunk may be done at Oregon, and all the Ducks got was this simmering...
Not much Lib-Tard rebuttal on theis topic?
So much for $40 million union dollars spent trying to regain control. Wisconsin Republicans Hold On to State Senate - WSJ.com
The interest on the debt is $29 billion, the government takes in $200 billion a month. You can only default on a debt that is owed. Entitlements...
Secretary Geithner, Obama and other politicians are doing the moral equivalent of yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater and they are doing so for...
The Half White side isn't worth ***** either.
Started rising right about the time the Tax Cuts were extended. Interesting!
It's the unintended consequence of signing something you didn't read.
Would Benson dare try moving the team? Jaguars, Saints candidates for NFL Canadian relocation - Morning Jolt - SI.com
The ones we need all those illegal immigrants for, because Americans won't do them.
Yep, the one thing Obama is known for is Compromise.
God, I hope not
All he had to do was let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010.
I want to know why he is not included in the "Rich are screwing America" classification
I'm still waiting for the Obama spin team to show up!
I've always liked the cubbies. One of these days I will make it to Wrigley, it's one of the last historic ballparks left on my list.
That's not a dream, that's a nightmare! If Cuban buy's the Astros, then I will have nothing to carry me thru to September
So Barry and Michelle paid $453,00 worth of taxes on reported income of $1,728,000, which amounts to a 26% rate. I wish someone would ask him if...
As soon as McLane sells the team
USA Today, another shinning example of bi-partisan reporting. But since you can't seem to read anything other than liberal rags, here's one for...