Two words, a name, actually: Demetrius Hookfin. I bet Saban still has PTSD thinking about him getting beat.
Well, considering I finally had to make my own Bacardi and Diet Coke... Actually, I am surprised I am still conscious now that you mention it.
No, the magic was last year.
Are you kidding? We certainly could have used Jefferson's running ability. Brennan makes Jarrett Lee look fleet of foot.
Well, at least MSU did a dumbshit move...
Did everyone enjoy last year as much as we should have?
What a lot of holding, though.
It's what we needed, but not what we got.
Only if Brennan decides to at some point.
And we're behind again.
That mfer grounded it again.
And just like that, we are in deep shit again.
Bullshit...even if it slips out of his hand...
Please, sweet little 6 pound, 11 ounce, baby Jesus, let that fumble stand...
Geaux us. All-time MSU passing record.
Oh, Brennan, you are not good.
Is Mississippi State gonna pull a Mississippi State and hand this back to our sorry asses?
Yes, Terrace!!
I mean, when Gary Danielson is talking about how he feels sorry for us...shit.
Highlight of the game...punting...