SURELY this is the straw that broke the camels back... I am just glad it happened now instead of us getting to watch some video going viral all...
I WOULD COUNT ON T.K. "TAKING HIS TALENTS ELSEWHERE! like say Bossier Parish Penal League :nope: What a waste of fresh air!!! T.K. Fleming...
Wow, I have never even thought about how something so technologically advanced is "dumbing" down our society. Yet another reason to keep cell...
He would definitely need a good late spring/summer with Moffitt, He looked solid, but I think on a decent regimen he could pack on some good pounds!
I talked to T.K. at the gym this afternoon, he said he is taking another official visit within the next two weeks (bhelm may know exact date) and...
Good for him! Loved watching him in purple & gold! Plus we need the schollie!
HECK YA! Imagine what Denard Robinson could do in GC's system..... may as well give him the Heisman right now!:thumb:
I believe that is his preseason top five :rolleye33:
I know, but they will run it per Detroit Free Press, Joe Schad, and Desmond Howard, Kirk Hebstreit, or whoever else is not from/for LSU.....
funny thing is as I am reading this and watching sportscenter, the ticker across the bottom is still reporting that CLM will bolt to UM, if offered.
Not buying any of it until it is reported by ESPN......:lol:
yeah, my dad had me and my sister doing homework basketball drills religiously growing up... she played D1 basketball... I went onto the...
Thats easy, he just yells :geaux:
uhhhh, nice first post..... i think? Welcome to the board, usually someone bakes cookies, but you gotta buy the beer
I don't know what your gator friend drinks but I want some! Now that's just plain stupid. First off you hire some guy with no HC experience then...
I was wondering the same thing myself!! D@*N Media!
Not really?
Dude, Peterson is a Junior..... :hihi: J/k I know what you were getting at....