Dupre is making me very nervous, dont know why. Think I am still shell shocked from the All Star game.
Man, this is the recruit I am most interested in. I keep seeing new posts...nothing on Dupre. Think yall need to start a new thread. Anything...
My concern is, those recruits are going to stop coming to BR if we dont start giving them a reason to keep coming. Patience is a hard game to...
Might have if he was a 5 star recruit...just sayin
Where are all the Malachi posts?!
Id bet this mean Collins is gone as well.
You do know UL is going to the ACC next year, right?
WOW...CCC must have Les's total attention now!
I think the crimi-noles steal this one.
I expect him to announce today as well ;)
Boy, I still hope at least one of those 3 turn before NSD.
Someone just bulldozed the Louisiana fence.
Hope you can sleep well tonight izzy. If you need anyone, we are here for you bro.
Maybe it was signing day that Adams is announcing. Dunno, I just understood that there was a conflict here.
Which is why I dont think we take Hootie. Hootie is enrolling early and Adams inst announcing till the all star game. Hope this doesnt bite us...
I am hearing Ohio State is a new player in this. From all accounts, it is a Bama OSU battle.
Yeah, wife's family are all in Jax and I aint in my 20s anymore :) . Love St Aug and Ponte Vedra area. And Orlando is within striking distance...
Del Rio Tx - 0-6 months Houston Tx - 1-5 Lafayette, LA - 5-19 Baton Rouge, LA - 19-23 Lakeland, FL - 23-26 Orlando, FL - 26-36 Mandeville, LA -...
Also, the aquarium at Channel side is the best aquarium Ive ever been too. A lot of activities for the kids.
Lived in Central FLA for 10 years. Check out Ybor City...kinda their version of Bourbon Street area