Romney and McCain received more votes in their losses than with what Trump won. Trump didn't drive people out to vote. Hillary drove them to...
This. It will recover pretty quickly as people begin to absorb the outcome. We won't see any real market issues until after we invade our first...
8.2 million fewer people voted this time around. We're ALL going to get what we deserve.
This should be an amendment to the Constitution, adding having it cooked "well done".
Oh, are we using that standard now? lol The OP set the standard with his ridiculous opinion. I simply applied the same standard to Trump. The...
Actions speak louder than words. Florida was beat up that week. their front seven was a shell of itself and they're missing their best QB...
Meanwhile, Trump IS a sex offender.
Like I said, no actual issues. I don't recall Bernie going silent for months? Also, I'm pretty sure he possess male genitalia.
How did LSU get an extra home game? they already had a home game scheduled that weekend...
Like Les did with Saban's players?
I'm confused how Conservatives can associate themselves with the teachings of Christ. It's like they never read the Bible at all. Their...
If O wins a Natl Title, will it have been with Les' Players?
Thankfully only the people who stay in hotels read the USA Today. No worries about bulletin board fodder since UF Fans stay in Motels...
Bull****. I have yet to see a single Republican candidate debate actual issues, even in the primary. Even when given prime opportunity in the...
The desperation from Republicans is hilarious. Why not try to win on the merit of their policies instead of this meaningless "hail mary" that...
Are you calling Jesus a piece of shit?
We know that animals cross-breed all the time. Mike VI is an example with which we are all familiar. Dogs cross-breed all the time. The animal...
This becomes relevant the day I become a blue wing teal.
How many times have we seen kids commit and then change their minds? They're children. They haven't learned how to make educated decisions or...