They aren't covering LSU, they're writing an article. I trust the ones who cover the program more than I do some hack who has nothing more than an...
I really don't give a shit about what some talking head journalist has to say about LSU's program. He isn't connected to it, has no emotional...
This is why the whole "I remember the Charlie Mac.." statements make no sense. Thinking LSU is going to follow the same path now is unbelievable.
Don't need an NFL caliber QB, just an NCAA capable one that can complete forward passes and demonstrate development. And you're talking about the...
When did LSU become an elite program?
Another bandwagon gump. Imagine that.
Then I suppose LSU is screwed and the search for a new AD begins. Alleva shouldn't be untouched by any of this.
Same as the hog coach. Money may not buy everything, but damn.
I thought he did ok at Texas, but I'd have to go back and look. I would be alright with O as DC, though both of those guys would probably always...
I think he would be ok. He doesn't have much to work with at AU because they only give a shit about how fast they can go on offense, and his...
Thanks. Army. Shane and I spent a little time in paradise together.
Well, about 15 years ago I would agree with you. But over time those same changes you've seen, I've seen, as well. Those 18-20 year olds are...
Recently said so long after 27 years in the military, and I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've had to say shut up and color....
Yep, it hasn't been the high point of LSU football, but breakups usually aren't. I'm not privy to what goes on behind the scenes, so who knows why...
Nah. Les isn't that kind of guy. Besides, if you're getting on thin ice, one sure-fire way to fall completely through is to get in a public spat...
Hmm, potential reuniting of Jimbo and Muschamp, along with maintaining 3 solid assistants. Sounds like another Festivus miracle.
Another so-called journalist that doesn't get it. Amazing the number of folks that have kicked sand in the guy's face for every stupid thing he...
If they don't have Jimbo or someone of at least equal ability, they better keep Miles. The administration should give him an ultimatum to make...
Pathetic, intolerant, and completely insecure. This is what this country has been reduced to.
Looked like middle of the paint was open all game. Got beat way too often, but having big guys that can shoot from the outside is tough. That...