quote: LSU's National Championship-winning baseball team traveled to the White House where players and coaches were to meet the President of the...
calcutta/ugly stick combo
http://www.airgundepot.com/sheridan-air-rifles.html I have this bad boy. the silver streak. my dad bought it for me when i was around 8 yrs old....
Hey i been giving you legit info from legit sources. Thats what you wanted correct? Not even you can deny the cold hard facts i've been providing...
YouTube - Fall of the Republic-The Presidency Of Barack H Obama-Part 1 There is 12 parts, watch them all. Its well put together movie and...
I'm sure RED is gonna come in here anytime now and defend his messiah. He'll find some lame excuse and try and talk his away around the true...
Obama admn lie? He and his cronies would never do such a thing:rolleye33: Obama administration report overstates stimulus jobs | HoumaToday.com...
what is this class under? i only need 3 clsses next semester to graduate so i need a bull**** class to make me full time next semester.
How so? You been crying like the biggest baby about me not posting proof, buddy you got your F'n proof. Cold hard facts that you cannot even...
Its almost been a year. If nothing has been improved by now it won't come the 12 month mark. Right now things are getting worse than they were before.
Shep being the best running back on the team isn't a bad thing, now LSU can have a run game which can help open up the passing game....
Pot me kettle....your calling me an idiot but your the one that is backing this idiot of a president and you most likely voted for him. The d bag...
I cite **** but for some reason it still isn't good enough so you can go yourself and do the work and read them( ITS PROVEN AND COVERED NUMEROUS...
Hey the facts are the facts. It seems some of you Obama supporters are always crying for some sort of proof so i took it upon myself to provide...
Whats wrong with is hand?.....i've heard its hurt but i've seen him numerous times when i go eat lunch in the union and his hand looks fine. Its i...
Looks like Bahrrrry is creating us all kinds of jobs. House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican
Why President Barack Obama is in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed? Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic...
:lol::lol: Its not my fault you can't speak right....only yours.
Look at all that money being spent and unemployment is still rising. hmmmmmmm. I would like to give thanks to baby Nobel Prize winning President...