It is hard to imagine this is anything more than hype. After the bags of shit people presented as factual regarding the deadbeat Cliven Bundy I...
Find me one reputable historian who lends any creedance to this. You realize truth-out is a radical left wing opinion blog run by op-eds with no...
No. It was added because about 12 years prior to the Constitution being enacted, the people decided to oust a government they viewed as...
The father was in a season 3 episode. The son was killed by Zombies. Father went a little nuts.
I have six clients who are doctors. One is a gastroenterologist, one is a geriatric care GP, one is an OBGYN and the others are GPs. None of them...
I dunno, but maybe the extra height makes it easier for em to shoot people's dogs.
I read something yesterday about local police forces getting decommisioned Mine Resistant Ambush Proof vehicles or MWRAPs. They are 50,000 pound,...
Here is the deal... everytime a family values religous right guy gets caught in a sex scandal the district that guy represents has legal gay...
Scalpers are taking advantage of inefficient markets. Once they control the commodity they set the price, and those willign to pay it do so. In...
Alls I gotta say is Rick + Abe + Daryl + Michonne = Terminus fucked.
I agree that it is wrong. I don't think we need laws to prohibit the behavior. The market will do it much more effectively. What we need the...
You are describing two totally different things. One is coming from a party nobody has to associate with, and the other is mandated. If a...
2 rounds. Only first round gets gauranteed contracts. Most second round picks end up in the D leaugue for a few years, and may get a couple of...
Look at the bankruptcy rates among professional athletes in general and basketball players in particular. The majority of them are filing within...
True of most NBA players.
He grades as a 1, but probably won't go until late second if at all. He will play in the NBA. but probably go the D League route.
Weezer, Tenacious D, the Protomen, Devo. Most metal bands are filled with RPG dorks.
The greatest nerd rock band of all time. A highly influential and highly intellegent chap, that never took himself too seriously.