It wouldn't. Fresh garlic is much more potent than garlic powder. A dash of garlic powder would break down into nothing while the burger cooks...
It saddens me that someone as well read as you cannot tell the difference between a choice freely made and an action mandated by law.
You are making less and less sense bro. In this idealic time you are talking about we had more freedom and less government intrusion, yet you are...
So your response to increased restrictions on freedom is to suggest that moving to a place with even less freedom? How is that a good option?...
So the corporations run the government and are making themselves do things they don't want to do? You have reached the point of nonsense.
You realize why the market isn't free right? It is government intrusion that retards it. And when more government intrusion further erodes free...
You have absolute control over your involvement with the corporation. You have no control over the government intrusion into your life. Hate...
So you think the corporation that nobody is forced to work for is the tyrant, and the government that is forcing people to do things they would...
If I had an employer, and they treated me poorly then I would work somewhere else. No corporation can force you to work for them. There is no...
After a lot of thought here is what I think. The ruling is narrow and dumb. No employer should have to provide any benefit it doesn't want to...
Seems like dumping her was a wise choice.
My doc is awesome.
Not only all of this, but almost every corporate treasury has some degree of holdings in an S&P index fund. So if you own any individual stock or...
This is just stupid. Do you know how a mutual fund works?
The decision is so narrowly applicable that the slope isn't that slippery. To me the narrow definition is the big issue. No employer should be...
Actually what the court ruled is that the law in a narrowly defined set of circumstances is not constitutional.
I needed a new upstream O2 sensor in my car last month. Gordon and Sandifer's wanted over $900 bucks. I bought the sixty dollar part, a ten...
Cameron Todd Willingham's execution sealed it for me. The death penalty is a sick anachronism of a less civilized period in our history.
Someone is jelly.
So you are pro discrimination as long as it is on size and domicile? Every living person has a right to not be murdered. You can make up...