Yeah, Mackey I heard you were gonna be working. I think that's very commendable to offer to volunteer your services just to be able to attend....
I think there was a compliment in there somewhere!!! You're one of us, col reb!!!! :geaux:
Whoa, tiga! If I hadn't seen that little smiley face, I'd have sworn you meant it was worth it to see him coach the team to the NCG but not to...
Bear Bryant Coach of the Year Award Ticket 250.00 (160 tax ded) Nights stay at Houston Hyatt Hotel 129.00 Seeing Les Miles prove the world...
Bear Bryant Coach of the Year Award Ticket 250.00 (160 tax ded) Nights stay at Houston Hyatt Hotel 129.00 Seeing Les Miles...
Forgot to mention the memoribillia auction, lots of stuff including a football signed by all three Mannings. And, Kenny Stabler will be there to...
Oh yeah, the first thing that came to mind! Can't believe there are more Kansas folks going than us...we only have one LSU table...10...
So far, they've sold 1 table to LSU, 10 people, and that was to 1 special guy who wanted to host Coach Les Miles table. Kansas has 2 full tables...
On January 17th, the American Heart Association will be hosting the 22nd Annual Paul "Bear" Bryant Coach of the Year Awards in Houston. Our...
Actually, I think Les was saying,"They said I looked dumb but even I can spell Ohio....oh, have a great day!"
In mine too, islstl...looks like there are a lot of people eating crow this morning. I hope they learned a thing or two about talking about our...
Re: Update on Jay-B This game was for you buddy! Get well soon and get your butt back on this board! Geaux Tigers!!!
Prayers to both families...and remember our own JayB in your prayers tonight at 6:45.
Okie, I can't seem to get in the mood for thinking about JayB and Julie. I've subsribed to the updates and each one I get doesn't sound overly...
Given all the negative talk about our coach, this says it all...don't worry, lisa, after we win the NC tomorrow night, the purple and gold won't...
French Quarter Swamped by Buckeyes..........they don't know "swamped" but, it's a comin! Geaux Tigers!!! Bleed the purple and gold!
OK, this is what I really wanted to say about Doyle (without trying to sound like him myself). How can this man talk about how anyone else...
Have fun, be safe and Geaux Tigers!!!!
This is an incredible story on Hester! I wish him all the best in Monday nights game and in the future....he has given us so many reasons to be...
Dumbazz Doyle was born in Hawaii, grew up in Mississippi, and went to school in Georgia......enough said about his intellect!