Are we some happy campers tonight??
I have to agree with you! I think if we had another qb, we'd see a whole different offense. Or at least I'd like to think so. It's pretty...
i heard he panicked because after he looked to the side, there was no one there to help. they say he was found lying on the ground in a fetal...
it may not have helped to have Shep in but, what do you stand to lose? he surely couldn't have done worse. if they were concerned about his...
When JJ looked confused, you could tell the crowd was not happy. Or as one poster said the deer in the headlights look! Maybe this position is...
he was at the game?
I think it's so hard to accept because we could have won this game! They are a good team but if we had a better offense, it would've been a W.
We played bad on offense but, I'm still p/o'd because the Gator team came out before the game and stomped on the eye of the Tiger. Not very...
Did you notice the commentators mentioned not seeing Shep in the game too! We weren't the only ones wondering! He also mentioned that Meyer...
These two apparently hug a lot! It showed them hugging when he walked into the stadium today, before he hugged his parents! Hmmmm
The only ones he kept off balance tonight was the offensive line.
They better get a sense of urgency here! Come on something! Please!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody's been giving Chavis hell, seems he's got the defense together. Can't say the same for Crowton.
Did you guys hear that? They said," Somebody served the Tigers bad bacon & eggs last weekend in Georgia. They had to shuffle players around but...
I'm guessing it's pretty hard to play against the #1 team, the refs, and God Almighty at the same time......Come on Tigers, let's geaux.....time...
Neither do I but I don't blame everything on the coaches either. You can have the most well disiplined team and still have mistakes made. This...
the ball wasn't the only thing he grabbed. another no call by the refs.
At least it's not a blow out like everyone expected with Tebow playing. I think we've held our own given the penalties. 3-3 just don't need to...
And you're a professional coach? You should be on the sidelines and not on the computer.