I know (about the ramifications). All we can do is hope it doesn't affect their decision. If LSU was ever in the running with them, they'll come...
Agree that he led with his shoulder but the helmet did show a downward motion, whether that was from the impact or not apparently doesn't matter...
But, did you hear who they said were giving them hell? The fans on blogs and message boards. So, I guess they think if we degrade them it's OK...
I heard all those jokes from ESPN, thought it showed very little class! They spent the entire segment poking fun at our coach instead of saying...
lol, didn't mean that in a bad way. believe me I get pissed too but it's more disappointment. I'll admit, I'm as big a sore loser as the next...
It's always been that way. Tiger fans have built this "always win & win big" mentality and if the coaches, players faulter, call for the lynch...
Well, if you talk enough maybe they'll fire them too!
I'm not saying you have to be a fan of the coaching staff but, why can't you give them credit for being in the exact same position this weekend as...
Your comment is really sad and you call yourself a fan? :dis:
Enough! Those guys played one hell of a game!
I love redemption!!!
Wow, you guys change gears just like the team! lol One post will say they're pathetic, the next awesome..... They're kids who are going to make...
Thanks guys!
Haven't had a chance to do a lot of reading lately, my Mom passed away the end of October, so given the fact that Ole Miss lost today, what bowl...
They're suppose to be 37% lighter than the old ones so, if the guys play better in them I'm all for them regardless of the color but, do I like...
Nike developed a uniform that is 37% lighter than the old ones. They picked 12 teams to wear them and give them an opinion, LSU was one of those...
Funny, I was listening to 98.1 on my way home, they were talking to the Arkansas coach and when they asked him about being prepared for the...
Looks like the guys are playing hard for their (our) coach tonight!
Wow! LSU needs a little help in these polls! Better college town is the ONLY thing we won! :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux: SportsNation Polls...